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Healing Trauma in Teens: Belong™ Leading the Way with Trauma Therapy

Every individual’s story is unique in the vibrant tapestry of human existence. However, shared experiences bind communities together, and for the queer community, overcoming trauma is often a shared journey. 

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in awareness about mental health issues within queer communities, and organizations like Belong™ have emerged as beacons of hope. 

Through their intensive outpatient programs and individual therapy sessions, Belong™ is paving the way for healing trauma in queer individuals, fostering resilience, and promoting a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Table of Contents

teen trauma support
Support doesn't have to be grueling. Have fun w/ Belong™.

Understanding Trauma

Trauma, refers to the psychological and emotional distress experienced by individuals due to their life’s experiences. 

Discrimination, prejudice, social stigma, and marginalization are everyday experiences for many teens, leading to various forms of trauma. 

These traumas can manifest in anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues, making it crucial to address them effectively.

Belong™ A Safe Haven for Teens

Belong™, a leading mental health organization, has made it their mission to provide a safe, inclusive space for teens to heal from trauma

Through intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) and individual therapy sessions, Belong™ is transforming lives and empowering teens to reclaim their narratives.

Approach To Healing Teen Trauma

Belong’s™ intensive outpatient programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of teens dealing with trauma. 

These programs are designed to be comprehensive, addressing both the psychological and social aspects of healing. 

Participants in the IOP engage in various therapeutic activities, including group therapy, individual counseling, art therapy, mindfulness practices, and support group sessions.

Belong™ promotes holistic healing by addressing not only the psychological aspects of trauma but also the physical, emotional, and social dimensions. 

Therapists work collaboratively with clients to create personalized healing plans encompassing various aspects of their lives, fostering a comprehensive and sustainable recovery.

Teen Trauma
Managing trauma, creates hope and excitement for the future.

Group Therapy

One of the cornerstones of Belong’s IOP is group therapy, providing a safe environment for members to share their experiences and connect with others who have faced similar challenges. 

Group therapy fosters a sense of community, breaking the isolation that trauma often imposes.

Individual Counseling

Individual therapy sessions offer personalized attention, allowing participants to work through their traumas at their own pace.

Belong™’s experienced therapists specialize in many different therapy models, ensuring individuals feel understood, accepted, and validated throughout their healing journey.

Art Therapy

LGBTQ+ Art Therapy
Using art therapy to process traumatic experiences.

Creative expression can be a powerful tool for healing. Belong™ incorporates art therapy into their programs, enabling participants to explore their emotions and experiences through various artistic mediums.

This approach provides an alternative way to process trauma, often leading to breakthroughs and personal growth.

Mindfulness Practices

Learning mindfulness techniques can significantly benefit individuals with trauma.

Belong’s IOP includes mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga, helping participants develop coping skills, reduce anxiety, and cultivate inner peace.

Support Group Sessions

Belong™ organizes support group sessions where participants can openly discuss their challenges, share coping strategies, and offer encouragement to one another.

These sessions create a sense of camaraderie, reminding participants that they are not alone in their journey toward healing.

Individual Therapy: Tailored Support For Personal Growth

In addition to the intensive outpatient programs, Belong™ offers individual therapy sessions customized to address each client’s specific needs.

These one-on-one sessions provide a confidential space for teens to explore their traumas, identify triggers, and develop coping mechanisms under the guidance of skilled therapists.


Belong’s™ therapists are trained therapists.

This approach acknowledges and respects the unique experiences of teens.

This therapy creates a safe environment where teens can openly discuss their challenges, pains, fears, frustrations, and related concerns without fear of judgment or shame.

Trauma-Informed Care

Belong’s™ therapists utilize trauma-informed care principles, recognizing the widespread impact of trauma on individuals’ lives.

By understanding the effects of trauma, therapists can provide sensitive and practical support, promoting healing and recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. 

Belong™’s therapists employ CBT techniques tailored to the experiences of Trauma individuals, assisting them in reframing harmful beliefs and building resilience.

Creating a Sense of Belonging & Acceptance

Beyond therapy sessions, Belong™ actively promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance within the teen community. 

Through workshops, community events, and online platforms, Belong™ creates spaces where teens can celebrate and connect with others, and access valuable resources. 

This sense of belonging is integral to the healing process. 

It provides individuals with a supportive network that understands their experiences and encourages growth.

Healing LGBTQ Truama Through Connection
Healing through connection w/ therapists and members.

Suggestions for Healing Trauma

Managing trauma requires a sensitive and supportive approach. Here are some essential tips for managing trauma effectively teens:

Seek Therapy

Finding a therapist who specializes in Trauma affirmative therapy is crucial. These therapists are trained to understand the unique challenges faced by teens and provide supportive, non-judgmental environments for therapy.

Build Supportive Networks

Creating a support system is vital. Connect with friends, family, or community organizations that are accepting and understanding. 

Peer support groups for teens can provide a safe space to share experiences and coping strategies.

Practice Self-Compassion

Trauma often leads to self-blame and self-criticism.

Practicing self-compassion is essential, understanding that healing takes time and setbacks are a natural part of the process.

Treat yourself with kindness and patience.

Engage in Mindfulness & Relaxation Techniques

Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga can help manage anxiety and stress. These techniques promote self-awareness and can provide a sense of calm, assisting individuals to cope with the emotional aftermath of trauma.

Art and Creative Therapies

Expressive therapies, like art, music, or dance, can be powerful tools for processing trauma. Engaging in creative activities allows individuals to explore and release emotions nonverbally, aiding in the healing process.

Educate Yourself & Others

Understanding trauma and its effects is empowering. Educate yourself about the psychological and emotional aspects of trauma. 

Similarly, educating others in your community can help reduce stigma and promote understanding, creating a more supportive environment for healing.

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being. It’s okay to say no to situations or people that may trigger or exacerbate your trauma. 

Prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with people who respect your boundaries.

Engage in Activism and Advocacy

Empowerment can come from advocating for change. Engaging with teens or advocating for their healing can provide a sense of purpose and help transform negative experiences into positive actions, creating a more supportive society for everyone.

Practice Self-Care

Regular self-care activities, such as exercise, hobbies, leisure time in nature, or creative pursuits, can contribute significantly to mental well-being. 

Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can help manage the effects of trauma.

Professional Help

Managing trauma might require professional help beyond therapy, such as medication or specialized treatments; consult with your caring team of therapists who understands the unique challenges faced by teens.

Practice Resilience

Remember that healing is a journey, and resilience is your greatest asset. 

Celebrate your strengths and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. 

Acknowledge your progress, and be gentle with yourself during difficult times.


In a world where the scars of trauma run deep, Belong™ stands as a beacon of hope and healing.

Through our intensive outpatient program and individual therapy sessions, we are addressing trauma symptoms and nurturing the resilience and strength of teens.

By providing a safe haven, promoting acceptance, and fostering a sense of belonging, Belong™ is paving the way for a future where teens can heal, thrive, and truly belong.

Reaching out for support is a sign of strength, and a resilient and supportive community is ready to help. Call today, 801.901.0279

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